MSRP $2,900 USD
From openings to landings, the Pulse is stress-free fun. It is a lightly-elliptical 9-cell canopy designed for the novice to experienced fun jumper. Pack volume has been reduced significantly by combining our proprietary low bulk fabric technology with our well-known Zero-P fabric. The Pulse offers soft, consistently on-heading openings with a shorter snivel. It has a very flat glide, short recovery arc, and easy landings. It is highly responsive, very capable, and lots of fun to fly!

Technical Information:
Sizes 107, 120, 135, 150, 170, 190, 210, 230, 260
9-cell canopy
Zero Porosity (ZP) top skin with PD’s proprietary low-bulk fabric bottom skin
Vectran lines
Packs up one size smaller than similar-sized Zero Porosity (ZP) canopy
Ribs and Bottom panels are only available in White
Soft openings with short snivel
Forgiving openings
Very flat glide
Short recovery arc
Easy to pack
Easy to time flare
For Novice to Experienced jumpers
Ribs 2R-18R and Bottom panels 1B-9B are only available in White
Great for:
Novice to Experienced skydivers
Getting back from long spots
Individuals who are learning or who have issues packing
Individuals looking for a canopy that has a low pack volume
Flat packing